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Harvest Festival and What Not.

Its Tuesday already and the week has begun to look bleak. Finals next week in t-minus 5 days and yet my preparation remains scarce. Today is my off day, don’t blame me but it’s Gawai time again! For those ill-informed netizens, Gawai is The harvest festival celebrated by the Dayaks of Borneo. Anything more than that, Google it!

Usually during harvest festival I would be on my way back to my dear old longhouse for celebrations. There would be great food like Roasted Pork, Curry Pork, Pork in Soy Sauce basically anything with pork in it. Just thinking bout em makes me mouth water you know. Oh yeah not to forget those awesome side dishes ( I call them side dishes because Pork is so awesome that you can just eat it on it’s own! ), Chicken cooked in Bamboo or as we know it ‘Ayam Pansuh’ and other chicken dishes as well. My village is deep in the jungle bout 4 hours drive from Miri and another 4 hours by long boat. Another plus point is that there’s a heck lot of booze! The famous Iban rice wine, Tuak, and all other varieties of liquor and beers definitely. All this talk about food is making me hungry and I’m too lazy to cook. I wish I have one of these Suddenly food!


Reminiscing of the past, I recall fond memories of Gawai. The usually empty long house would be flocked by people returning from all over. Getting drunk at 12 in the afternoon, drinking all day till the next. You will see people sleeping / pass out in the Ruai ( long house combine sitting room? ) after days of drinking. They drink till they die, literally speaking. Once a friend of my dad’s friend didn’t wake up the next day. Tragic but then all the more cause of drinking ain’t it?
Okay enough of the tragic part of Gawai, let’s move on to the much happier ones shall we?

With Gawai, comes the return of long lost family and friends. You know, those that you don’t see unless there is a Wedding, Celebration or Death! And the girlssss!


okay maybe not that kinda girls but the the hot native style chicks. I would not reveal too much info on that because somehow most of us there are related! So too bad then.

Back to the real world, I have not gone back for Gawai in about 3-4 years already. Blame it all on the education namesake. Either Gawai holidays too short ( 1 or 2 days of public holiday, so much for 1Malaysia ) or the week Gawai falls is the study week aka now. I miss it all but then student life has it’s perks too. Now that’s for you to figure out! ~.^

In other un-related issues,


Paedophilia hits the world! How on good ol’ earth is she THIRTEEN? And hitting the clubs? I honestly think she is lying bout the age. It’s a girl thing eh? XD

DK out.
Selamat Hari Gawai Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai! OooHaaa… Ai Pengayu courtesy of Zim tonight! Too bad you are not invited!